About this project

Wherry Road was a redevelopment project located in Norwich, where BDC was engaged as Civil & Structural Engineering consultants to provide detailed design services. The site is bordered by the Novi Sas Friendship Bridge, the River Yare, and Wherry Road.

The development consists of 67 residential units across seven stories, with floors ranging from the ground to the 6th floor. Due to flood risk, residential accommodation begins at the 1st floor level, which also features a private communal landscaped podium. The ground floor includes a suspended reinforced concrete undercroft car park slab, as well as non-habitable spaces for plant, bin storage, and bicycle storage.

The building is supported by piled foundations to address local geological conditions and to minimise lateral loads on the riverbank. The structural design includes an RC frame with flat slabs, transfer plates at upper levels, blade columns, and concrete shear walls.

The drainage system is designed with cellular storage and a flow control device, discharging into Wherry Road. The site levels adjacent to the River Yare were carefully managed to allow floodwater to flow into the car park, ensuring the development does not negatively affect the wider flood modelling for the Corporation Quay area.

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