About this project

BDC was appointed as the Civil and Structural Engineering consultant for the Peachey House (Paragon Heights) project, a residential development on a compact brownfield site near Ilford Station. The project involved three medium-rise apartment blocks, two undercroft parking areas beneath landscaped podiums, and a bespoke commercial unit.

The development featured three distinct blocks ranging in height from 10 to 14 to 18 stories, accommodating a total of 131 residential units. Each block was uniquely designed, with two incorporating irregular floor plans and the tallest block featuring a triangular footprint. The structures were constructed using reinforced concrete frames supported by piled foundations, with stability provided by a combination of shear cores and blade walls.

The site presented several challenges due to its constraints. It was bordered by Network Rail land, existing medium-rise buildings to the east and west, and Ilford Hill High Road to the south. Additionally, a small access road cutting through the site had to be maintained to serve adjacent properties.

The triangular-shaped bespoke commercial unit fronting Ilford Hill was built using a steel frame supporting a composite concrete first-floor slab. To accommodate the proximity of the adjacent road and boundary line, the foundation design incorporated cantilevers extending to the building line.

New adoptable drainage and highway infrastructure were carefully designed to integrate with existing systems. Despite the restricted site, attenuation measures were strategically placed to manage drainage effectively.

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