About this project

Henley Gate Neighbourhood will establish a vibrant new community of 1,100 homes north of Ipswich in Suffolk. It is the first of three neighbourhoods planned to form the Ipswich Garden Suburb, a significant development aimed at creating sustainable and thriving communities. BDC was engaged as civil engineering consultants to deliver the detailed design of the infrastructure for Phase 1 of the project.

As the initial phase of the development, BDC’s role was pivotal in shaping the foundation for the entire project. Our scope included reviewing site-wide infrastructure strategies to ensure alignment with long-term objectives. This encompassed the design of temporary surface drainage solutions to integrate Phase 1 with the larger strategic network of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS). Additionally, we conducted a thorough review of the site-wide earthworks strategy to ensure the proposed approach provided a practical and efficient solution for the development’s needs.

Our contributions set the groundwork for a well-planned, sustainable, and interconnected neighbourhood that will serve as a cornerstone for the broader Ipswich Garden Suburb vision.

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